Happy hacking story ….
A couple of weeks ago my 6 year old daughter and I were hacking along the country roads where we live.
We are so lucky the roads are always really quiet.
We were half way along a fairly narrow stretch of road when i spotted a huge curtain sided lorry coming towards us. There was no gateway etc to pull in to. My daughters pony is just about as bombproof in traffic as you can get but it’s all very new to my TB so I couldn’t be sure how he would react.
Before I could even put my hand up gesturing for the lorry to stop the driver pulled over leaving as much space as he possibly could for us to pass and he turned his engine off.
He gave us a smile and a wave and the horses passed without any problems my horse was actually quite interested and enjoyed the chance to investigate this alien object close up.
Positive experiences like these are wonderful for horses, the driver was so kind, it probably delayed his journey by around 2 mins but he didn’t mind and for that I was extremely grateful, we thanked the driver as we passed.
I was so grateful that I thought the driver deserved some recognition so I emailed the company to tell them about our experience.
A wonderful lady called Ali responded to me email and she was really pleased that we had taken the time to contact them.
A few days later a package arrived for my daughter in the post from Diamond fertilisers. It was a wonderful horsey gift for my daughter and her pony. What a fantastic company with wonderful staff.
A couple of minutes of the drivers time to stop for us, same for me to write a quick email to thank him personally and the outcome brightened everyone’s day.
Diamond Fertilisers Thank You !